Welcome, friends!

Sara here.

My fourth and last baby was born in 2019, an event that brought closure to my own journey into parenting and initiated my work supporting others through theirs. Mandala Motherhood is the embodied combination of my lived experience and professional expertise in the year surrounding the birth of a baby.

I started my business as a full-time stay at home mom, working through my first doula training on my phone while breastfeeding my son. Less than two years in, I’d built a peer support community in my local area of over 500 parents. Now through my online business I’m connecting with parents all over the world, giving them the tools and the guidance they need to find empowerment on their journeys.

Mandala Motherhood:

What does it mean?

A mandala is essentially a circular pattern, a geometric design that radiates from a central point. More notable than its configuration is what the mandala symbolizes: unity, harmony, interconnectedness, and wholeness.

When you become a mother, you cross a threshold. You are profoundly and permanently changed. The intense power of that change, even when long-awaited and welcome, can feel disorienting.

In times of change, the mandala reminds us of what is constant. When we feel far away, it reminds us that we are tethered and shows us the center. When we feel unbalanced, it reminds us that we are whole and shows us symmetry. When we feel alone, it reminds us that we are part of something bigger and shows us connection.

Each mandala is unique, as is each mother’s journey. My work is to walk with each woman, on her unique path, as she crosses the threshold into motherhood. My vision is that my presence enables her to find the power already inside of her so that she can boldly and confidently embrace the unity, harmony, and wholeness of her motherhood.

My Approach

Becoming a mother was an incredibly difficult and transformative process for me. I was grateful for the care I received from my medical providers, but the lack of space and support for the emotional and spiritual journey left me feeling broken, confused, and angry. Mandala Motherhood was born from my own experience which sparked a passion to better understand, promote, and support the immense transformation that parenthood brings.

Each of us are complex human beings with our own unique collection of thoughts, feelings, experiences, perceptions, perspectives, and values. Motherhood changes all of these parts of us, and and all of these changes deserve recognition, guidance, and support. Mandala Motherhood exists to holistically empower and support families who are navigating the transition to parenthood.

I provide

virtual perinatal coaching

& motherhood mentoring

to help parents:

  • plan for postpartum

  • navigate the early days and weeks with a new baby

  • find success with breastfeeding, and

  • process difficult birth stories.

Join me in creating a culture where:

  • parents acknowledge and embrace the transition to parenthood as the rite of passage it is

  • parents feel confident and empowered to face the journey with equal parts humility and strength

  • unbiased, evidence-informed resources and support are readily available to and enthusiastically received by parents

  • the innate wisdom of a parent’s intuition is unapologetically valued and applied as the guiding force in parenting behaviors and decision-making